The Daily Page . Creative Writing #6 - The Deaf (A Short I wrote)
THE DEAF (SHORT) by Jeffery Page
The Deaf.
(Opening seen.)(Black & white)(no sound)
Open camera shutter like an eyball to pitch black. Cut to close up of a blinking eye for one frame. Almost similar to old secret subliminal advertising. Cut back to pov perspective sliding out of a tube to a moonlight night. Sprint forward and sprinting forward.
Continue Pitch black field only lit by a moon.
10 minutes of full sprinting .
Collapse to pan down camera lens into dirt.
Cut to: emergency room (full color (clockwork Orange inspired)full sound.
Surgeon Doctor nurses detective
Detective - ( distraught) don't let her die.
Surgeon - yelling at the doctor - doctor what is he doing in here.
Detective - loudly replying - she's a survivor.
Surgeon - she won't be if you keep distracting us. ( Gesturing to the nurse.) 10cc of ???? And prepare a surgical procedure??? . Doctor I'll need your help.
Nurse - we're clear.
Surgeon - scalpel. ( Preforming an incision. Performing surgery to save her life..
Cut to pov.
View of light above surgery table in black and white to silence and scalpel passing over the view of pov camera eclipsing the light.
Cut back to operating room. Camera circles slowly around the individuals attempting to save the life of Jane Doe shoulder height.
Nurse - (calmly reading stats and relaying numbers to the doctor.)
Surgeon (ordering orderly) - get a rush on another quart. (Orderly runs out of room)(in comes another nurse)
Doctor loudly says directed towards surgeon she also a stab wound in her lower left abdominal region we need to address.
Surgeon - I concur. Nurse help Sanders. We need that blood (yelling.)
Act III -
Cut to dirty old office with two desk bulletin board and coffee. Sandwiched in between files and paper.
Detective 1 - so tell me Jones what did you see?
Detective 2 - honestly. All I saw was a victim. Someone who looked at the reaper face to face. I can't even imagine. Those scars I saw must or went back a decade. It was horrific.
Detective 1 - are you sure she didn't say anything?
Detective 2 - I'm positive. I recorded it all. All she did was let out screams. They were chilling . I've been doing this for a while. I've never seen such a thing.
Detective 1 - (staring at photos) she needs justice if anything.
Detective 2 - do you think capturing whoever did this will ever seem justifiable for this. I mean seriously Holmes. She was butchered. They all were.
Detective 1 - I never feel our convictions ever truly give the victims justice. In this case we can only hope to identify them. Maybe missing persons. Maybe loved ones.
Detective 2 - Maybe he's already started working again.
Cut to darkness.
Roll credits.
Flash blinking eyes.
The End.
This creative writing piece was for a short I was planning on shooting eventually with a few friends.
I hope you enjoyed this excerpt of my creative writing called the Daily Page. Sincerely Your Friend Me aka Jeffery Page
A study in ink. Crime Lab Photo of Deceased. Info changed to protect the Victims. - Jeffery Page
8.5x11 in. Ink on paper